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Timeline     1860-1888   1888-1895   1895-1905   1905-1914   1914-1918   1918-1925   1925-1937   1937-1944   1944-1989   1989-2014


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Ruth Holdsworth

Ruth is pursuing an AHRC funded collaborative PhD with University of Bristol and Arnolfini. Her research topic is 'Curating Risk: Dramaturgy around live art, experimental theatre and interdisciplinary practice’, which involves being a curator-on-placement with Arnolfini, and research into curatorial practice. Ruth was a contributing writer to the RealTime-Inbetween Time writing workshop reviewing the InBetween Time Festival 06’, and has also written for Performance Research. Her PhD incorporates research interests in contemporary interdisciplinary arts practice in Beirut, Lebanon - developed whilst a Project Manager at London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) and then at University College London during her MA in Material & Visual Culture within the Anthropology Department (2004-05’). Ruth started her career with Artsadmin, initiating the Artsadmin e-digest, and working as their trainee Arts Administrator alongside the Artists Advisor and one of the Project Managers (2002). As an undergraduate she studied Philosophy and Literature at Warwick University. She works freelance as a Project Manager in the Arts, and is currently the Programme Manager for The Mary Neal Project.

Ruth Holdsworth