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Archive -> 1895-1905 -> ‘As a Tale That is Told’ Extract 29 Page 83-84



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‘As a Tale That is Told’ Extract 29 Page 83-84

Building up contacts for new Club

Our lives were very full, full of interest, full of work, full of friends and interesting acquaintances. I was writing a weekly column for a Plymouth paper, called “The man in the street”, a sort of London letter of politics, social reform and so on, and I often used to wonder with some amusement what my readers would have thought had they seen me writing it, for I often did it while I was cooking dinner, had one hand on the pen and another on a spoon with which I was stirring a saucepan. I know I often had to pull myself up and eliminate what I feared to be the feminine touch, but I believe I quite succeeded in living up to the fiction of my masculine “nom de plume”. But it was not many months before our new work outgrew the tiny flat

in which we began to rebuild what we had had to pull down in leaving the West London Mission. There was associated with us a group of people none of whom were very well-to-do. There was an engineer, a former mill-hand from the North, a city merchant, one or two shop-girls, these and a few of our older Club girls, tailoresses and dressmakers, formed the nucleus of our first Committee….Between us we raised 8/- a week and took two rooms just off Euston Road for our Girls’ Club, workhouse teas, literary Society, boys’ Club and so on….

20 July 2023
Peter Nelson
This kind of information is very limited on internet. Nice to find the post related to my searching criteria for buy college papers online


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‘As a Tale That is Told’ Extract 29 Page 83-84