Mary Neal Logo Mary Neal - An Undertold Story...
Timeline     1860-1888   1888-1895   1895-1905   1905-1914   1914-1918   1918-1925   1925-1937   1937-1944   1944-1989   1989-2014


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Many people have contributed to the Mary Neal Project.

For the Mary Neal Day
Thanks to all those cited in the programme and especially to Laurel Swift and Freddie Opoku-Addaie for leading the dance. And to: New Esperance Morris, Mary Jo Searle, Susan Rose, Fiona Anderson, Hazel Lapierre, Nancy Potts, Diane Moody, Hilda Dedic, Julia Hickman, Cressida Carr, Miryam Boston and Ryoko Ouyama, Abingdon Morris:Roger Cox, Dave Spiers, Stuart Jackson, Duncan Brown, Neil Mckay, Steve Mclean, Keith Hardiman, Tony Legge, Steve Cox, Pete Hogan, Leslie Argyle, Ewart Hemmings, Dave Beaver and Dave Levy.

Bentley C of E Primary School. Class 6: George Barfoot, Yasmin Bedwell-Garcia, Ellis Bennett, Joanna Caddick, Luca Carlisle, Daisy Clarke, Alicia Cooper, Callum Creaser, Sophie Croft, Darcy Dawson-Siggs, Charlotte Desmond, Charlotte Faulkner, Alastair Fox, Oliver Gowans, Gabriel Hawks, Cicely Hayes, James Hearn, Aran Hendren, Ella Kennett, James Kenyon, Scarlet Mayes, Lauren Menzies, Adam Murphy, Charlotte Nutt, Bille Price, Toby Remington, Henry Robertson, Eleanor Rodger, Lucy Siers, Alexander Toft, Matilda White and Cyrus Wong.
Teachers: Chris Smallwood and Jan Elliott. Head: Phil Calloway.

Edith Neville Primary School. Classes 4, 5
and 6: Noor Sharaf, Khowla Yusuf, Shazia Begum, Suman Khatun, Kolsuma Begum, Tanzia Begum, Hanifa Begum, Abid Ahmed, Giovanni Pilla, Raisa Ahmed, Fahmida Begum, Brian King and Shazia Begum. Teachers: Shahinaz Yousef and Amy Crowther. Head: Sean O Hagan.

For The Mary Neal Project
Director: Lucy Neal OBE
Programme Manager: Ruth Holdsworth
Learning Manager: Ally Walsh
Production Manager: Andrew Siddall
Archivist: Janet Foster
Photography: Simon Maggs and Meritxell Bonas
Maker and stitcher: Tabitha Neal
Stage Manager: Alan James
Master Baker: Lee Parvin
Lemon cake: Mary Holdsworth
Visual artist: Sally McKay
Website: Red Leader

Souvenir Programme by
Susan Rentoul Design

Bill Warder - Unicorn Sound
With help from: Julia Rowntree,
Nita Needham, Emily Pethick, Chris Thompson, Hilary Jennings, Emily Robbins,
John Holdsworth, Tim Miles, Gub Neal, Tom Neal, Harriet Thrody and Rosemary Lee

For the University of Winchester, Faculty of Arts:
Professor June Boyce Tillman, Professor Anthony Dean and Dr Inga Bryden

For Project Phakama:
Alpha Thiam, Abdoul Diallo, Moussa Keita, Jake Boston, Noelle Mapianda, Regis Gnaly, Placide Lushima, Milad Paladzadeh, Fabio Santos and Ines Tércio

President: Shirley Collins MBE
Chief Executive: Katy Spicer
Education Director: Rachel Elliott
Library Director: Malcolm Taylor OBE
Archivist: Keri Myers
London Links Officer: Sam Lee
EFDSS, all Staff and Volunteer Team

Funding for the Mary Neal Project has been gratefully received from:
University of Winchester, National Lottery and Heritage Lottery Fund.